Questions and Answers on Document Construction with XML

Version 0.1

Table of Contents

Purpose of this Q and A type document
1. Markup Languages in General
3. Cascading Style Sheets
4. Cascading Style Sheets
5. Templating
How templating works
6. Content Management
Why Content Management
7. Xtended Markup Language XML
XML parts
Namespaces in XML
8. XML examples
XML instances
9. Modelling XML information
General questions about modelling
Practical modelling
10. XML tools
Editing XML
11. XML Parsen
XML Parser
12. Transforming and rendering XML
13. Special Industry Schemas
Job Definition Format for the printing and media industry

Purpose of this Q and A type document

The purpose of this list is to check and enhance the understanding of XML use in the areas of publishing and industry schemas.

Of course knowledge about specific XML technologies is needed as well, so the questions go from more complex ones which offer opportunities for design discussions to simpler ones which cover specific technologies.

I would like to thank Martin Maier, Oliver Margraf for contributing to this list.

Chapter 1. Markup Languages in General

Table of Contents




HTML, XHTML and XML are all so called markup languages. This raises some questions about general concepts of markup languages as well as what makes them different.

1. What makes markup languages different e.g. from the concept used by WYSIWYG editors like word, wordperfect, Quark Express etc?
2. Was macht markup Sprachen anders im Vergleich zu WYSIWIG Editoren wie Word, Wordperfekt, Quark Express etc?
3. What is the advantage of a document written in XML compared to proprietary formats like Word, Quark Express etc.
4. Welchen Vorteil bringt ein XML Dokument im Vergleich zu propietären Formaten wie Word, Quark Express etc?
5. What are the main differences between XML and HTML?
6. Nennen Sie die wesentlichen Unterschiede zwischen XML und HTML.
7. XML is said to be extensible and HTML not. Explain
8. In the above question, is the extensibility of XML something technical or something political/social?
9. What is the advantage of using UNICODE compared to ASCII in XML documents?
10. Was ist der Vorteil von XML Dokumenten in Unicode anstatt ASCII?

What makes markup languages different e.g. from the concept used by WYSIWYG editors like word, wordperfect, Quark Express etc?



Was macht markup Sprachen anders im Vergleich zu WYSIWIG Editoren wie Word, Wordperfekt, Quark Express etc?



What is the advantage of a document written in XML compared to proprietary formats like Word, Quark Express etc.



Welchen Vorteil bringt ein XML Dokument im Vergleich zu propietären Formaten wie Word, Quark Express etc?



What are the main differences between XML and HTML?


Could you e.g. express a database record well in HTML? Think about what kind of tags are available and what their main purpose is.



Nennen Sie die wesentlichen Unterschiede zwischen XML und HTML.


Könnten Sie einen Datanbank Rekord gut in HTML ausdrücken? Was für Tags sind verfügbar und welchem Zweck dienen sie in erster Linie?.



XML is said to be extensible and HTML not. Explain


Think about who decides which tags are allowed?



In the above question, is the “extensibility” of XML something technical or something political/social?


Can you extend every xml schema?



What is the advantage of using UNICODE compared to ASCII in XML documents?


Think about WHERE xml will be used?



Was ist der Vorteil von XML Dokumenten in Unicode anstatt ASCII?


Denken Sie daran wo XML überall benutzt werden kann?


Chapter 2. HTML

Table of Contents



Basic principles of HTML

1. What is the core structure of a HTML page? Name elements and order.
2. Wie ist die Struktur einer HTML page? Nennen Sie Element und Anordnung.
3. Create a letter to a friend as a html page. What elements do you use? How does this compare to XML?
4. Schreiben Sie einen Brief an einen Freund als HTML Seite. Welche Elemente benutzen Sie? Vergleichen Sie es mit XML
5. What is the role of the HTML DTD?
6. Was ist die Rolle der HTML DTD?

What is the core structure of a HTML page? Name elements and order.

Root element, header, body.


Wie ist die Struktur einer HTML page? Nennen Sie Element und Anordnung.

Root element, header, body.


Create a letter to a friend as a html page. What elements do you use? How does this compare to XML?

bold, para, h1-h3 etc..


Schreiben Sie einen Brief an einen Freund als HTML Seite. Welche Elemente benutzen Sie? Vergleichen Sie es mit XML

bold, para, h1-h3 etc.


What is the role of the HTML DTD?

Defines legal elements of HTML.


Was ist die Rolle der HTML DTD?

Beschreibt welche Elemente legal in HTML sind

Chapter 3. Cascading Style Sheets

Table of Contents



How to apply style to HTML pages

1. Style information can be held in HTML pages or in separate files. Explain the differences and advantages of each way.
2. Style Informationen können in HTML Seiten oder inn separaten Files gehalten werden. Eklären Sie die Unterschiede und Vorteile.
3. How are content and layout connected using stylesheets?
4. Wie werden Inhalt und Layout durch stylesheets verbunden?
5. What is the role of the HTML DTD?
6. Was ist die Rolle der HTML DTD?

Style information can be held in HTML pages or in separate files. Explain the differences and advantages of each way.

HTML: everything in one file. Separate CSS: allows change of layout without change in document.


Style Informationen können in HTML Seiten oder inn separaten Files gehalten werden. Eklären Sie die Unterschiede und Vorteile.

HTML: alles in einem File. Separate CSS: erlauben das Layout zu wechseln ohne dass das Dokument geändert werden muss.


How are content and layout connected using stylesheets?

The tag names are used to attach additional layout information in a separate file. Alternatively the tag attribute "class" can be used to map layout to content. Using style attributes directly in tags is bad.


Wie werden Inhalt und Layout durch stylesheets verbunden?

Die Tag Namen werden benutzt um zusätzliche information in einem separaten File dazuzufügen. Alternativ kann das attibut "class" verwendet werden um Layout und Inhalt zu verbinden. Schlecht ist direkte style attribute im HTML zu verwenden.


What is the role of the HTML DTD?

Defines legal elements of HTML.


Was ist die Rolle der HTML DTD?

Beschreibt welche Elemente legal in HTML sind

Chapter 4. Cascading Style Sheets

Table of Contents



How to apply style to HTML pages

1. Style information can be held in HTML pages or in separate files. Explain the differences and advantages of each way.
2. Style Informationen können in HTML Seiten oder inn separaten Files gehalten werden. Eklären Sie die Unterschiede und Vorteile.
3. How are content and layout connected using stylesheets?
4. Wie werden Inhalt und Layout durch stylesheets verbunden?
5. What is the role of the HTML DTD?
6. Was ist die Rolle der HTML DTD?

Style information can be held in HTML pages or in separate files. Explain the differences and advantages of each way.

HTML: everything in one file. Separate CSS: allows change of layout without change in document.


Style Informationen können in HTML Seiten oder inn separaten Files gehalten werden. Eklären Sie die Unterschiede und Vorteile.

HTML: alles in einem File. Separate CSS: erlauben das Layout zu wechseln ohne dass das Dokument geändert werden muss.


How are content and layout connected using stylesheets?

The tag names are used to attach additional layout information in a separate file. Alternatively the tag attribute "class" can be used to map layout to content. Using style attributes directly in tags is bad.


Wie werden Inhalt und Layout durch stylesheets verbunden?

Die Tag Namen werden benutzt um zusätzliche information in einem separaten File dazuzufügen. Alternativ kann das attibut "class" verwendet werden um Layout und Inhalt zu verbinden. Schlecht ist direkte style attribute im HTML zu verwenden.


What is the role of the HTML DTD?

Defines legal elements of HTML.


Was ist die Rolle der HTML DTD?

Beschreibt welche Elemente legal in HTML sind

Chapter 5. Templating

Table of Contents

How templating works


How templating works

1. Why do we need a template mechanism? Give an example
2. Wozu brauchen wir einen Template Mechanismus?
3. How does a template mechanism work?
4. Wie funktioniert ein Template Mechanismus?

Why do we need a template mechanism? Give an example

to insert dynamic content into static documents. E.g. visitor counter, date and time, DB content


Wozu brauchen wir einen Template Mechanismus?

Um dynamischen Inhalt in statische Dokumente einzufügen. Z.B. Besucherzähler, tag und Zeit, DB Inhalte.


How does a template mechanism work?

Define special syntax or tags for documents and give the page a specific extension. The web server will call the template processor (e.g. PHP) if it sees the php extension. The PHP processor will then recognize the PHP commands, do what is requested and fill in the resulting text at the place where the command was.


Wie funktioniert ein Template Mechanismus?

Man definiert eine spezielle Syntax für oder Tags und gibt der Seite eine spezifische Extension. Der Web Server ruft den Template Prozessor (z.B. PHP) auf sobald er die Extension sieht. Ser PHP Prozessor liest die Page und erkennt die speziellen PHP Kommandos darin. Diese führt er aus und fügt den Ergebnistext genau an Stelle des Kommandos in der Seite ein.

Chapter 6. Content Management

Table of Contents

Why Content Management


Why Content Management

1. Explain the advantages of content management over keeping single HTML files.
2. Erklären Sie die Vorteile von Content Management gegenüber einzelnen HTML Files?
3. Many CMS use XML. Why?
4. Viel CMS verwenden XML. Warum?

Explain the advantages of content management over keeping single HTML files.

Change management, permission management. Common look and feel. Multiple authors with version management.


Erklären Sie die Vorteile von Content Management gegenüber einzelnen HTML Files?

Change management, Rechteverwaltung, Gemeinsames look und feel. Gleichzeitiges Bearbeiten von Dokumenten mit Versionsmanagement.


Many CMS use XML. Why?

Separation of content and layout through XML. Allows arbitrary rendering in different formats.


Viel CMS verwenden XML. Warum?

Trennung von Inhalt und Layout durch XML. Erlaubt beliebiges Rendering in verschiedenen Formaten.

Chapter 7. Xtended Markup Language XML


XML parts

Here we take a look at the main parts of an XML file.

1. What are the main ingredients of an xml instance that you will most likely need or encounter in documents?
2. Does an XML instance always need a DTD?
3. Braucht eine XML Instanz immer eine DTD?
4. Explain the meaning of * + ? in einer DTD?
5. Erklären Sie die Bedeutung von * + ? in einer DTD?.
6. Explain the meaning of #REQUIRED, #IMPLIED, #FIXED when used in the definition of attributes?
7. Erklären Sie die Bedeutung von #REQUIRED, #IMPLIED, #FIXED bei der Definition eines Attributes?
8. A DTD defines a catalog element. Add an attribute "created" to this element. <!ELEMENT catalog (#PCDATA)>
9. Eine DTD definiert ein katalog Element. Fügen Sie ein Attribute "erstellt" hinzu. <!ELEMENT katalog (#PCDATA)>
10. What is the purpose of attributes in XML. Do you have to use them? Give some guiding rules for the use of attributes.
11. What happens in the following fragment of an instance when it is parsed? <!ENTITY bmw "Bayrische Motorenwerke" > <text>And the worlds best motorbikes come from &bmw; in Munich </text>
12. Was passiert wenn folgendes Fragment einer Instanz durch den Parser geht? <!ENTITY bmw "Bayrische Motorenwerke" > <text> Und die besten Motorr&auml;der der Welt kommen von &bmw; in M&uuml;chen </text>
13. What kind of definitions are used in DTDs?
14. In the above question, is the extensibility of XML something technical or something political/social?

What are the main ingredients of an xml instance that you will most likely need or encounter in documents?

XML declaration, element tags, attributes, comments, processing instructions, name space declarations and entities


Does an XML instance always need a DTD?



Braucht eine XML Instanz immer eine DTD?



Explain the meaning of * + ? in einer DTD?

"*" means zero, one or many occurrences of an element in an XML instance are legal. "+" means that an element needs to be there at least once but possibly more often and "?" means that an element can be there or not.


Erklären Sie die Bedeutung von * + ? in einer DTD?.

"*" bedeutet keinmal, einmal oder beliebig oft kann ein Element in der XML Instanz vorkommen. "+" bedeutet mindestens einmal aber auch mehrmals und "?" bedeutet einmal oder keinmal ist legal.


Explain the meaning of #REQUIRED, #IMPLIED, #FIXED when used in the definition of attributes?


What would you like to enforce about the use of attributes? What if the value of an attribute would always be the same?



Erklären Sie die Bedeutung von #REQUIRED, #IMPLIED, #FIXED bei der Definition eines Attributes?


Was möchten Sie bei Attributen eventuell erzwingen? Was ist wenn der Wert eines Attributes immer gleich ist?



A DTD defines a catalog element. Add an attribute "created" to this element. <!ELEMENT catalog (#PCDATA)>



Eine DTD definiert ein katalog Element. Fügen Sie ein Attribute "erstellt" hinzu. <!ELEMENT katalog (#PCDATA)>



What is the purpose of attributes in XML. Do you have to use them? Give some guiding rules for the use of attributes.


Think about extensibility. How does this differ between attributes and elements? Think about your application and how it will react.



What happens in the following fragment of an instance when it is parsed? <!ENTITY bmw "Bayrische Motorenwerke" > <text>And the worlds best motorbikes come from &bmw; in Munich </text>



Was passiert wenn folgendes Fragment einer Instanz durch den Parser geht? <!ENTITY bmw "Bayrische Motorenwerke" > <text> Und die besten Motorr&auml;der der Welt kommen von &bmw; in M&uuml;chen </text>



What kind of definitions are used in DTDs?


Think about the xml parts that show up in instances. How are they defined?



In the above question, is the “extensibility” of XML something technical or something political/social?


Can you extend every xml schema?


Namespaces in XML

This section covers namespace use in XML.

1. The example below shows an XML fragment. What does it mean? xml namespace decl and use goes here
2. What are namespaces mainly used for in XML?

The example below shows an XML fragment. What does it mean? xml namespace decl and use goes here



What are namespaces mainly used for in XML?


XML lets you define your own tags. Think about the consequences if everybody does define their own tags.

Eindeutigkeit Kontext. Namensraum wird verwendet um die XSL-Tags von anderen Tags zu unterscheiden ( ? )

1. Geben Sie für jedes Element und Attribut des abgebildeten XML-Dokuments den zutreffenden Namensraum an. .

Geben Sie für jedes Element und Attribut des abgebildeten XML-Dokuments den zutreffenden Namensraum an. .


Chapter 8. XML examples

Table of Contents

XML instances


XML instances

Here we take a look at some specific features of XML instances.

1. The example below shows a xml segment. Can you explain what you see and what it might be?
2. The example shows two different means of creating relatins within XML. One uses special XML features while the other one is made by the authors themselves. Explain both mechanisms and tell which one is application specific?
3. In the above question, is the extensibility of XML something technical or something political/social?
4. Given the following XML instance, write a proper DTD for it: <CD> <artist>....................</artist> <title>................................</title> <price>...............................</price> </CD>
5. Schreiben Sie eine DTD für die folgende XML Instanz: <CD> <Interpret>....................</Interpret> <Title>................................</Title> <Preis>...............................</Preis> </CD>

The example below shows a xml segment. Can you explain what you see and what it might be?

Creating relations in XML documents


The example shows two different means of creating relatins within XML. One uses special XML features while the other one is made by the authors themselves. Explain both mechanisms and tell which one is application specific?


a segment of JDF linking is shown.



In the above question, is the “extensibility” of XML something technical or something political/social?


Can you extend every xml schema?



Given the following XML instance, write a proper DTD for it: <CD> <artist>....................</artist> <title>................................</title> <price>...............................</price> </CD>



Schreiben Sie eine DTD für die folgende XML Instanz: <CD> <Interpret>....................</Interpret> <Title>................................</Title> <Preis>...............................</Preis> </CD>


Chapter 9. Modelling XML information


Modelling XML information - using DTDs or XML Schema or something else like Relax NG - is perhaps the most time consuming and important task. Only topped by the effort to create an industry-wide schema like JDF.

General questions about modelling

This section covers questions about when to use what modelling construct - DTD, schema etc. -

1. What is a Document Type Definition and what does it?
2. Welche Bedeutung hat eine DTD? Was wird darin definiert?
3. You and your friends are all heavy into lounge music from Paris and you decide to share information about CDs that you own or want to have. With ratings etc. Whhat would be the advantage of creating a DTD if you want to share this info?
4. Some XML instances are called well-formed and others are called valid? What is the difference?
5. Was ist ein gültiges und was ein wohlgeformtes XML-Dokument?
6. Exactly what allows a Document Type Definition to be checked? The existence of certain elements? The order of elements? The proper text in elements?
7. Look at the example XML instance and DTD below and say if the instance is a proper instance with respect to the DTD or if there are mistakes in the instance. Which mistakes would you fix where?
8. Was ist der Unterschied zwischen einem DTD und XML-Schema ?
9. What is the alternative to a Document Type Definition (DTD) and when would you use it?
10. Was kann man alternativ zu einer DTD verwenden und wann tut man das in erster Linie?
11. You have some very data oriented information that needs to get modelled. What construct: DTD or XML schema would you pick for the job and why?
12. You need to write a book or article and you want it transformed into html and pdf with little effort from your side. What modell for your text comes to mind?

What is a Document Type Definition and what does it?


Think about the advantages with respect to the correctness of a document



Welche Bedeutung hat eine DTD? Was wird darin definiert?


Denken Sie an die Vorteile in Bezug auf die Korrektheit eines Dokuments. Korrekt gegenüber was?



You and your friends are all heavy into lounge music from Paris and you decide to share information about CDs that you own or want to have. With ratings etc. Whhat would be the advantage of creating a DTD if you want to share this info?


Think about what happened when we created instances of our catalog without a dtd first. We had some model, yes, but....



Some XML instances are called well-formed and others are called valid? What is the difference?


Think about what you need for a document to be valid. Certain elements? Or just good looking tags?



Was ist ein gültiges und was ein wohlgeformtes XML-Dokument?


Denken Sie daran was Sie brauchen damit ein Dokument valide sein kann. Gewisse Elemente oder nur Tags die gut aussehen?

Wohlgeformt: Tags stimmen überein. Auf jedes öffnende Tag gibt es auch ein schließendes Tag. es gibt eine Wurzel. Gültig dann wenn es wohlgeformt ist, Dokument verweist auf eine DTD Dokument hält die DTD auch ein


Exactly what allows a Document Type Definition to be checked? The existence of certain elements? The order of elements? The proper text in elements?


Think about creating a valid instance of xml that fits to a DTD. What can you type in without getting an error and where does the parser or editor tell you that it is wrong?

Order of elements, number of elements and types of attributes can be checked. There is no way to check whether an elements text is OK except if it has been declared as empty and contains text.


Look at the example XML instance and DTD below and say if the instance is a proper instance with respect to the DTD or if there are mistakes in the instance. Which mistakes would you fix where?


The mistake can be in instance (e.g. if the DTD defines an element that the instance does not have) or it can be in the DTD because it does not correctly fit to our model that we need.

Example of instance with missing element and dtd with wrong cardinality



Was ist der Unterschied zwischen einem DTD und XML-Schema ?

beide beschreiben die Grammatik eines XML Dokus, aber: XML-Schema ist in XML Syntax formuliert (???) DTD hat nur beschränkte Datentypen und Inhalte XML-Format ermöglicht die Verwendung der XML-Techniken (XLink, XSL) sowie der bestehenden XML-Applikationen für XML-Schema


What is the alternative to a Document Type Definition (DTD) and when would you use it?


DTDs where invented first and used a lot by authors and publishers. With XML more and more programmatic use has become popular e.g. to represent database records or programming language types in XML.



Was kann man alternativ zu einer DTD verwenden und wann tut man das in erster Linie?


DTDs wurden zuerst erfunden und vor allem von Autoren viel genutzt. Durch XML ist auch die Nutzhung in Programmen stark vermehrt worden, z.B. um Datenbank Einträge oder Typen aus Programmiersprachen abzubilden in XML.



You have some very data oriented information that needs to get modelled. What construct: DTD or XML schema would you pick for the job and why?


Think about what makes data correct and how you would express and check correctness.



You need to write a book or article and you want it transformed into html and pdf with little effort from your side. What modell for your text comes to mind?

If you decide to use docbook e.g., you will get a model that will certainly cover your needs with respect to publishing constructs (from book and authorinfo over references, mediaobjects, indexes and table of contents etc. And on top of it there exist free rendering stylesheets to produce various output formats

Practical modelling

This section covers creating models for different subjects.

1. You want to create a model for your CD collection. How would you structure this model? Just create a model first, don't use XML yet.
2. Create a DTD from your model of the CD-collection. Don't use fancy constructs. Keep it simple with elements and perhaps one or two attributes.
3. Create an XML instance of your CD-collection that fits to your DTD.
4. Create a tiny stylesheet for your xml instance.

You want to create a model for your CD collection. How would you structure this model? Just create a model first, don't use XML yet.


Think about what you want to say about your collection and what it contains.



Create a DTD from your model of the CD-collection. Don't use fancy constructs. Keep it simple with elements and perhaps one or two attributes.



Create an XML instance of your CD-collection that fits to your DTD.



Create a tiny stylesheet for your xml instance.


Use only the rule-based (or the fill in the blanks) pattern - no programming. use xsl:template match="" and xsl:value-of select="" and whatever HTML primitives you like.


Chapter 10. XML tools

Table of Contents

Editing XML

Certain tasks nowadays require special tools like good xml editors and schema validators. An example of this is certainly the Job Definition Format with its complex schema. You want some good xml editor for that. But what makes an XML Editor different?

Editing XML

1. Do you really need special software to create or edit XML documents? Please explain
2. Benötigen Sie zum Erstellen eines XML-Dokuments unbedingt eine spezielle Software? (Antwort mit Begründung)
3. How can a XML editor help you creating and editing xml files that a normal text editor cannot do?
4. Does it make a difference for the xml editor if you have a DTD and what can it do with a DTD?
5. XML is said to leave the authors in control of their data or texts? Can you explain how this is meant? Why is this not so with other formats?

Do you really need special software to create or edit XML documents? Please explain



Benötigen Sie zum Erstellen eines XML-Dokuments unbedingt eine spezielle Software? (Antwort mit Begründung)



How can a XML editor help you creating and editing xml files that a normal text editor cannot do?



Does it make a difference for the xml editor if you have a DTD and what can it do with a DTD?



XML is said to leave the authors in control of their data or texts? Can you explain how this is meant? Why is this not so with other formats?


Think about changing to a different word processor with a large collection of documents in the format of your current processor. Is that switch easy? How does it look in the case with XML?


Chapter 11. XML Parsen

Table of Contents

XML Parser


XML Parser

1. Two different types of XML parsers exist. Name them and explain the difference.
2. Es gibt zwei verschiedene Typen von XML Parsern. Nennen Sie die beiden Typen und erklären Sie den Unterschied.
3. Two different types of XML parsing mechanisms exist. Name them and explain the difference.
4. Zwei verschiedene XML Parsing Mechanismen existieren. Welche sind das und was ist der Unterschie?.

Two different types of XML parsers exist. Name them and explain the difference.


Some parsers need to be extremely small and fast. And in some cases the user or application knows that the instance is already correct with respect to a DTD and all that is needed is to read in the XML instance and break it up into its parts.

Validating parsers always check the instance against the DTD. Non-validating parsers will only check if an instance is well-formed. They are of course a bit faster than validating parsers.


Es gibt zwei verschiedene Typen von XML Parsern. Nennen Sie die beiden Typen und erklären Sie den Unterschied.


Einige Parser müssen extrem klein und schnell sein. Und in einigen Fällen ist es der Applikation bekannt dass die Instanz korrekt bezüglich einer DTD ist und dass alles was nötig ist das Einlesen der Instanz und das Aufbrechen in ihre Teile ist.

Validierende Parser prüfen immer die Instanz gegen die DTD. Nicht-validierende Parser prüfen nur dass die Instanz well-formed ist. Sie sind deshalb etwas kleiner und schneller als validierende Parser.


Two different types of XML parsing mechanisms exist. Name them and explain the difference.


Think about how an application might want the results of the parsing process to be delivered to it. An editor application probably wants the parsing results in memory while a filter or search application only looks for one piece of a document and does not want to allocate a lot of memory for the whole document. This is also a problem with very large documents.

So called DOM (document object model) parser parse the instance and create an in memory representation of the whole document using node objects. The application gets the whole tree of nodes for further processing. They are good for editing etc. SAX parsers instead send only events about which element they have just found to the application and let the application decide what to do with it (allocate memory and store it or inspect the element and throw it away.


Zwei verschiedene XML Parsing Mechanismen existieren. Welche sind das und was ist der Unterschie?.


Denken Sie daran wie Applikationen die Resultate des Parsing Prozesses zugestellt haben mö Ein Editor will wahrscheinlich das ganze Ergebnis im Speicher halten während eine Filter oder Such-Applikation nur nach einem Teil des Dokuments sucht und nicht Memory fü das ganze Dokument allokieren möchte. Das ist auch ein Problem bei sehr grossen Dokumenten.

Sogenannte DOM (Document Object Model) Parser parsen die ganze Instanz und erzeugen eine Darstellung des ganzen Dokuments in Form von Node Objekten im Speicher. Die Applikation bekommt den ganzen Baum aus Nodes zur weiteren Verarbeitung. Solche Parser sind gut fü Editor Applikationen. SAX Parser hingegen melden nur per Event an die Applikation welches Element sie gerade gefunden haben und lassen der Applikation entscheiden was damit passieren soll. Memory zum speichern allokieren oder nur anschauen und wegwerfen?.

Chapter 12. Transforming and rendering XML

Table of Contents



Here we dicuss how XML documents can be rendered into different output formats

1. How is the mechanism called that allows rendering or transformation of XML documents?
2. Welches Mittel verwenden Sie um XML in verschieden Ausgabeformaten darzustellen?

How is the mechanism called that allows rendering or transformation of XML documents?

Extended Style Sheet language XSL and XSLT processor


Welches Mittel verwenden Sie um XML in verschieden Ausgabeformaten darzustellen?

Extended Style Sheet language XSL und XSLT processor

1. Given the instance and stylesheet below and what would an xslt processor produce from it? tbd

Given the instance and stylesheet below and what would an xslt processor produce from it? tbd


Chapter 13. Special Industry Schemas

A collection of important industry schemas is discussed here

Job Definition Format for the printing and media industry


1. What is the advantage of JDF compared to other job ticket formats like PPF, PJTF?
2. Welchen Vorteil bringt JDF gegenüber anderen Jobtickets wie PPF, PJTF?
3. Give a short explanation of the following JDF components: Agent, Controller, Device, Engine
4. Erläutern Sie in Stichworten die Aufgaben folgender JDF-Komponenten: Agent, Controller, Gerät, Maschine?
5. Give a short explanation of the following JDF core elements: node and resource
6. Erläutern Sie in Stichworten die Aufgaben folgender JDF Kernelemente: Node und Resource

What is the advantage of JDF compared to other job ticket formats like PPF, PJTF?



Welchen Vorteil bringt JDF gegenüber anderen Jobtickets wie PPF, PJTF?



Give a short explanation of the following JDF components: Agent, Controller, Device, Engine



Erläutern Sie in Stichworten die Aufgaben folgender JDF-Komponenten: Agent, Controller, Gerät, Maschine?



Give a short explanation of the following JDF core elements: node and resource



Erläutern Sie in Stichworten die Aufgaben folgender JDF Kernelemente: Node und Resource
