1. | What is a Document Type Definition and what does it? TipThink about the advantages with respect to the correctness of a document |
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2. | Welche Bedeutung hat eine DTD? Was wird darin definiert? TippDenken Sie an die Vorteile in Bezug auf die Korrektheit eines Dokuments. Korrekt gegenüber was? |
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3. | You and your friends are all heavy into lounge music from Paris and you decide to share information about CDs that you own or want to have. With ratings etc. Whhat would be the advantage of creating a DTD if you want to share this info? TipThink about what happened when we created instances of our catalog without a dtd first. We had some model, yes, but.... |
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4. | Some XML instances are called well-formed and others are called valid? What is the difference? TipThink about what you need for a document to be valid. Certain elements? Or just good looking tags? |
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5. | Was ist ein gültiges und was ein wohlgeformtes XML-Dokument? TippDenken Sie daran was Sie brauchen damit ein Dokument valide sein kann. Gewisse Elemente oder nur Tags die gut aussehen? |
| Wohlgeformt:
Tags stimmen überein. Auf jedes öffnende Tag gibt es auch ein schließendes Tag.
es gibt eine Wurzel. Gültig dann wenn es wohlgeformt ist,
Dokument verweist auf eine DTD
Dokument hält die DTD auch ein |
6. | Exactly what allows a Document Type Definition to be checked? The existence of certain elements? The order of elements? The proper text in elements? TipThink about creating a valid instance of xml that fits to a DTD. What can you type in without getting an error and where does the parser or editor tell you that it is wrong? |
| Order of elements, number of elements and types of attributes can be checked. There is no way to check whether an elements text is OK except if it has been declared as empty and contains text. |
7. | Look at the example XML instance and DTD below and say if the instance is a proper instance with respect to the DTD or if there are mistakes in the instance. Which mistakes would you fix where? TipThe mistake can be in instance (e.g. if the DTD defines an element that the instance does not have) or it can be in the DTD because it does not correctly fit to our model that we need.
Example of instance with missing element and dtd with wrong cardinality
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8. | Was ist der Unterschied zwischen einem DTD und XML-Schema ? |
| beide beschreiben die Grammatik eines XML Dokus, aber:
XML-Schema ist in XML Syntax formuliert (???)
DTD hat nur beschränkte Datentypen und Inhalte
XML-Format ermöglicht die Verwendung der XML-Techniken (XLink, XSL) sowie der bestehenden XML-Applikationen für XML-Schema |
9. | What is the alternative to a Document Type Definition (DTD) and when would you use it? TipDTDs where invented first and used a lot by authors and publishers. With XML more and more programmatic use has become popular e.g. to represent database records or programming language types in XML. |
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10. | Was kann man alternativ zu einer DTD verwenden und wann tut man das in erster Linie? TippDTDs wurden zuerst erfunden und vor allem von Autoren viel genutzt. Durch XML ist auch die Nutzhung in Programmen stark vermehrt worden, z.B. um Datenbank Einträge oder Typen aus Programmiersprachen abzubilden in XML. |
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11. | You have some very data oriented information that needs to get modelled. What construct: DTD or XML schema would you pick for the job and why? TipThink about what makes data correct and how you would express and check correctness. |
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12. | You need to write a book or article and you want it transformed into html and pdf with little effort from your side. What modell for your text comes to mind? |
| If you decide to use docbook e.g., you will get a model that will certainly cover your needs with respect to publishing constructs (from book and authorinfo over references, mediaobjects, indexes and table of contents etc. And on top of it there exist free rendering stylesheets to produce various output formats |