>Evolving Java-based APIs by Jim des Rivieres, OTI. Tells you what you need to do to allow binary compatibility. Even when using generative technologies in many cases you have to connect to existing packages and components.
Floyd Marinescu, Examining the Validity of Inversion of Control
Martin Fowler, Inversion of Control Containers and the Dependency Injection pattern
Terence Parr, Enforcing Model-View Separation in Template Engines Draft submitted to www2004 Excellent discussion of template technology and how it interfaces with source code components. Dsicusses general separation between templates and code and which techniques violate this principle. Interestingly the author admits that his own engine is getting always closer to functional language principles even though he claims to be not of the functional camp. What does this say about model2+ architectures which use XSL/XSLT to generate web pages?. This paper will be the base for a discussion on grammar and the whole software technology around "web" programming (JSP, ASP, PHP, XSL and all those template based things)