String manipulation functions in C

Many functions exist to read, write or copy strings from and to different sources and destinations. The following lists some popular functions.

 int strlen(char  s[]);  // returns the lenght of string s 
 char* strcopy(char dest[], char source[]);  // copies  the source string into the destination.
                                // Note that dest must be at least as big as source or some
                                // adjacent memory will be overwritten. If dest is bigger
                                // we will have a memory leak.

  int strlen(char * s);  // same as above but using pointers (see below)

String handling in C is best explained by showing the implementation of strlen functions:

   int strlen(char s[])  {
       int x = 0;
       while (s[x] != '\0')  // not string end yet
          x++;               // increment index
       return x;