
CS&M has been founded in 1998. It currently includes 10 permanent professors, 7 lab engineers and assistents and a number of specialists for research projects.

Responsible for the curriculum etc. are Prof.Dr. Ihler and Prof.Dr. Hinkelmann.

CS&M has close relations to a number of universities like FHTE Esslingen and TU Karlsruhe and participates in joint research projects.

Students currently study either for a diplom or - beginning in 2004 - for a bachelor or master of science degree in computer science and media. Both bachelor and master have been fully accredited.

The faculty owns a number of computer labs and specials equipment for computer animation etc. Electronic lab, TV and audio studios and other multi-media equipment is also available to students.

Associated with CS&M is a Steinbeis Transfer Center "Mobile Communication and Embedded Systems" headed by Prof.Dr. Schmitz.

Top level industry specialists give additional lectures and workshops at CS&M. (Mainframe engineering and Open Source Technologies, Karl Klink (IBM), Architecture and Methodology, Bernard Clark (IBM GBS), Project Management and Consulting, Dr. Markus Iwanowski (bluecarat), Model-Driven-Testing and System Concepts, Claus Gittinger (eXept AG) and others.