Service Development Kit (SDK)

The ability to dynamically add new services without re-deploying the whole portal is an absolute must for an enterprise portal – it is not so important for more specific portals like SEPortal.

What would be necessary to extend the current SEPortal code-base with such a feature?

Let’s discuss the cold spots after a quick look at how it could work!

Dynamically loading a new service

  1. A department wants to offer a service on the AEPortal portal. They use the AEPortal SDK to create a service package, consisting of java classes, service description, JSP files.

Part of the SDK are tools that use the Visual Age Java Tool API to create the necessary code frames, helper classes and descriptions. (see Dmitris work)

  1. The service package is loaded through the AEPortal service loader – itself a service running in AEPortal

  2. The service loader inspects the package, updates the AEPortal configurations with the package description and adds the new java classes to the proper factories. The loader then copies the new JSP files to their destinations.

  3. The new service needs to get referenced from existing JSPs. But because these JSP build their list of things to render now dynamically, the configuration changes made the new service references immediately available.

Necessary design changes in SEPortal

The service loader mentioned above is not a design change – it is a new feature. Here I want to discuss real changes.

  1. Configuration information can no longer be just files. It should be DB based. The system needs to add to it dynamically

  2. Besides configuration information, factories are the most import pieces of a dynamic system. The SEPortal factories in Infrastructure are often static (the definition of the objects they can serve are hardcoded). I would replace the Infrastructure factories (e.g. Entity Finder) with "intelligent factories" from Apaches Turbine.

  3. The fragment approach discussed above would force us to a more descriptive page building process anyway and we would be able to assemble a page from fragments dynamically.

  4. The implementation of authorization via static access tokens per role needs to change in order to support dynamic extensions to existing user types and access tokens. A new service will generally require new access tokens for certain roles. The current design is flawed because it holds all access tokens of a user in a table instead of constructing the access tokens dynamically e.g. a stored procedure into a view.


The efforts to build a SDK are considerable but not extreme. I guess we could have something running in 2 month (2 developers)

The question really is IFF we want to build it or use the packaging mechanisms of J2EE. Would they be sufficient? Granular enough? Does it work already?

A prototype of the new and extensible access control framework already exists.