
Most of the literature mentioned below can be found on our WIKI server under "UseCachingOnTheWeb" or "AggressiveCaching".

  1. General hints and tips for web caching: UseCachingOnTheWeb

  2. Information Resource Caching FAQ:

  3. Dynamic Caching: A SpiderCache? flyer:

  4. Class-based Cache Management for Dynamic Web Content: Discusses URL partitioning to e.g. invalidate classes of documents

  5. Cooperative Caching of Dynamic Content on a Distributed Web Server (SWALA): Discusses QOS of a distributed cache using the SWAL server

  6. A Scalable and Higly Available System for Serving Dynamic Data at Frequently Accessed Web Sites (The IBM architecture for the NAGANO Olympic Site). Discusses physical architecture as well as page design for performance: put a lot on the first page)

  7. JSP caching:

  8. server site caching example from Jason Hunter. Servlet interceptor for dynamic but non-personalized page PER servlet.

  9. Exploiting result equivalence in caching dynamic web content: discusses mapping of several URLs to one cached instance, e.g. mapping of map with many different locations to just a few weather forecast pages (attached)

  10. A Publishing System for Efficiently Creating Dynamic Web Content, IBM Research. Shows the use of "fragments" and to speed up page creation and Object Dependency Graphs to secure and minimize update requests.

  11. Oliver Vogel, Service Abstraction Layer

  12. Minerva: on twiki, search for "ObjectPool"

  13. Opensymphony, Oscache. A tag library for jsp caching. :

  14. Requirements for and Evaluation of RMI Protocols for Scientific Computing".

  15. Design Alternatives for Scalable Web Server Accelerators (j.Song, et. Alii) IBM T.J.Watson Research Center. Uses cache arrays with CARP for caching.

  16. A Middleware System Which Intelligently Caches Query Results (Degenaro et. Alii, IBM Watson). Explains the use of data update propagation (DUP) to keep caches current after database updates.

  17. Fineground Condenser Product Brief. Like a product that does browser detection and compression.

  18. Open Markets Satellite Server. A frontend that delivers dynamic content by assembling it from cached "pagelets" and stored meta-information about personalization. Used at, Europe’s largest news site.

  19. Times Ten In-Memory Database Technology. They claim to have a ten fold performance advantage over regular RDBMS for mostly-read scenarios

  20. Building and Managing Dynamic Database-Driven Web Sites. A talk from a Seybold seminar. Most important: to realize that using the typical JSP/J2EE push model (like AEPortal does) the business users wont have a chance to EDIT the dynamic sites the way they are used to e.g. with their static intranet sites). Without an information-centric "pull-model" dynamic content always implies "programmed" content.

  21. Caching Dynamic Content on the World Wide Web (Jim Starz). Shows the use of chains of proxy servers and subscriptions to deliver dynamic content.

  22. Einsatz von Java, XML und XSLT für grafische Oberflächen, Mike Mannion, Sven Ehrke. Uses XSLT for request processing. Originally a part of the SBC Millenium Banking (later SSP) effort). Mannion is now part of the MAP team and located in Hochstrasse 16. We need to discuss XSLT performance with him!!

  23. Engineering Highly Accessed Web Sites for Performance, J.Challenger, A.Iyengar et. Alii. IBM Watson

  24. Infrastructure Architecture Overview,

  25. Graham Glass, When less is more: a compact toolkit for parsing and manipulating XML,t=gr,p=electricXML

  26. SSL Accelerators see:

  27. Java Performance Tuning (Java Series (O'Reilly)) -- by Jack Shirazi;

  28. Problems of double checked locking:

  29. Http compression. offers both a free and a commercial version of a http compression software "proxy"

  30. Speeding up the crypto: Apache e-Commerce Solutions (for ApacheCon 2000, Florida). Mark J. Cox, Geoff Thorpe., describes the best SSL architecture with respect to loadbalancing and performance. Suggests using a common SSL session cache and shared crypto systems.

  31. describes what a portlet is – from different points of view (user, technical etc.)

  32. Implementing a Data Cache using Readers And Writers. Billy Newport,

  33. When good security leads to poor performance, Mathias Thurman,

  34. Optimizing SSL processing for Web, Greg Govatos,

  35. Jenny Preece, Online Communities

  36. Siteminder Overview, Netegrity.

  37. Best Practices using Http sessions, IBM white paper, (pdf file)

  38. The Future of Internet Search, Axel Uhl, Interactive Objects Software GmbH, Freiurg, Germany

  39. Vignette and the J2EE Application Server, Technical White Paper

  40. Schwab puts growth plan to the test, ftp://vadd1:3fzwbti2\@

  41. CMF Dogbowl, Jeffrey P Shell's Member Page. Describes different portals and how a CMS will support them. Explains "topics".

  42. Katherine C.Adams, Extracting Knowledge

  43. Dan Sullyvan, Beyond The Numbers

  44. Communications of the ACM, August 2000/Vol.43 Nr. 8

  45. Information Discovery, A Characterization of Data Mining Technologies and Process

  46. Dan R.Greening, Data Mining on the Web