This term we will hear a number of talks focussing on enterprise architectures and large software systems. Enterprise Applicatioin Integration (EAI), SOA, methodologies for large projects, enterprise portals will be covered both technically and from an organizational point of view. E.g. will we also learn about the organization of change - one of the hardest things companies have to face.
The second IBM university day will present speakers to the above topics. Another focus for this term will be on processes and their modeling, model-driven development and - as a special twist - model driven approaches and their impact on quality and testing. Here we will do a complete workshop at the end of the term with many specialists from the industry. Modeling and meta-modeling will be discussed in the context of content management and publishing.
Closely related to modeling and processes are the development of semantics and ontologies. We will get talks on those topics as well and they will provide the theoretical underpinnings for processes and their models. But we will tackle the problem of creating semantics and ontologies also from a different side: Through algorithms based on web browsing behavior of a large group of people.
What else? The future of digital media has been in the news lately. Christian Pfeiffer has made a rather hard but empirically supported sstatement on media: media make people stupid, fat and sad. We will try to invite Mr. Pfeiffer to one of our Friday sessions. I'd like to make an experiment as well: I found a talk from the Princeton Media lectures . Ed Felton, the famous computer scientist talks about: "Rip, Mix, Burn, Sue: Technology, Politics, and the Fight to Control Digital Media" - another very interesting talk that highlights the business interests behind media. In case we cannot get Mr. Pfeiffer this term we could watch his appearence in the Delta Magazine at 3sat .
14.10.05: Kick - off session with an overview of topics and goals. Bert Boedeker of MFG will present the Karl Steinbuch scholarship
21.10.05: Streamed Talk: Ed Felten, "Rip, Mix, Burn, Sue: Technology, Politics, and the Fight to Control Digital Media",
28.10.05: Claus Gittinger, Exept on Squeak, Croquet. Live demos and brainstorming around the future of collaborative environments, virtual machine technologies etc.
4.11.05: see IBM University Day . Lots on enterprise architectures. The head of IBM university relations will attend as well.
18.11.05 Uwe Laufs, Fraunhofer Research Results on Semantics and Ontologies
25.11. 05 Christian Kaas, (Head of Realisation in Ascom AR&T) on software development processes with a special focus on CMMI. This talks will give a short introduction to the CMMI Framework, and will show how one can use it as Roadmap for process improvements. Added to this an overview about the best practises in Software Development, and how they could be applied in real live will be presented. Afterwards we will shortly focus on the interconnection of Requirements management and Quality Assurance in these processes.
Eric Graf, automatic building of semantic clusters via algorithms over behavioral data. We will discuss the problem of search and semantics in this context as well.
9.12.05 Philipp Schill, Ralf Schmauder on the modelling of processes. Gives us a peek into current research in workflow and process model languages and environments
Oliver Vogel, A complete model-driven project. A workshop on how to do real model driven development.
Dr. Richard Liu, UBS AG on "Experiences in Applying XML to Web Publishing". A complete XML driven process including modeling experiences. Will be mostly organized as a workshop where after an introduction to the project we will discuss options and strategies for future development.
Von Prollius and business representatives on software patents and their effects on small and medium size business. With a discussion on open source as a new business and social model.
Workshop on model-driven development and its impact on testing and software quality with well known experts in this field. Demonstrations and experiences.
More topics: Workshop on Enterprise Application Integration (EAI) by IBM, Future Web Application Frameworks and Technologies by Fraunhofer etc.
Please watch this page closeley for changes in dates or topics. Most speakers work in the industry and sometimes need a change in schedule due to that fact.
You will find some required reading materials here.
Empirical Studies on media, scholary success and criminality perception in western societies KFN Research Projects
Talk with Prof. Pfeiffer about media consumption and consequences