Theoretical Foundations of message passing, process networks, server processing models and I/O models
Sockets based Client/Server Systems and I/O Models, Delivery Guarantees and Request Ordering in reliable broadcasts
Remote calling principles - RPC basics and helpful middleware like thrift or gRPC
Distributed Objects - Lessons learned from a failed concept.
Distributed Business Components and Frameworks
Web Services, Service Oriented Architecture, REST and Microservices
Concepts and Theorems of Distributed Systems
Distributed OS Components and Algorithms Part One
Distributed OS Components and Algorithms Part Two, Persistence, Transactions and Replication
Distributed Security - Basics (if needed)
Distributed Security Part Two, Mechanisms and Architecture (Secure Delegation, SSO, Backend Security,
Distributed Systems Management, from Components to Managed Resources. Fault tolerance, Resilience Patterns
Designing Distributed Systems, Fan-out Architecture, replication etc.
Peer-to-peer Systems, tales from the edges of the Internet
Ultra-large-scale Systems
Questions and answers about distributed systems
distributed systems
Most DS lectures and exercises seem to be organized in the following way:
Basic concepts of distributed systems (global time, synchronization, concurrency, reliability, security)
Types of distributes systems (real world examples)
Programming Models of distributed systems:
Socket based IPC
Remote Procedure Calls
Object Oriented Distributed Computing (CORBA, RMI)
Message Oriented Middleware (MOMs)
Agent based or with code transport (Aglets, Voyager, Jini)
Warehouse-scale computing, data center architectures
Peer-to-Peer Computing (Napster, freenet, seti@home)
Web Services (XML/SOAP based distribution)
The last years, developments at google, facebook and Co. have changed the world of distributed computing a lot. These changes also affect small and medium sized companies due to mashups. The lecture reflects these developments and puts a lot of emphasis on ultra-large-scale technolgies.
Read "Distributed Systems for fun and profit" to get an idea.
Browse Todd Hoff's excellent portal
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