A short description of what we do with respect to document construction for media specialists at HDM
This lecture is intended for print-engineers and other media professionals. It is not a programming course for xml processing. Participants will learn the basics of XML processing with editors, parsers and transformation engines to produce other formats (e.g. PDF)
Another topic is the design of XML documents (data or document centric) and the associated validation schemas (DTD and XSD)
As example for a data centric XML use and model we will use the “Job Definition Format used in the printing and media industries to define the workflow for print jobs”. This is a major industrie effort where the HDM participates. Please visit www.cip4.org and download the JDF related documentation (white paper, 8 pages specification, 450 pages). Make yourself familiar with the goals and structures of CIP4 and JDF.
As an example for a document centric schema we will learn and use docbook. (find references in the resources slides at the end of the first presentation). We will use docbook to write some simple articles and web pages.