This term we will two different streams focussing on software and internet technologies technologies. The software stream will have a special topic: mainframes. Bachelor students can select each stream separately, students for a diploma have to take both streams as "aktuelle Themen B".
The fourth IBM university day will be a full day seminar with Service Oriented Architectures as its topic. See the announcement at the hdm hompage or here: SOA in the Enterprise, by IBM Global Business Services. Don't forget to register for this event as it is going to be open to the public and IBM partners and customers.
For the 2nd games day we will contact our partner university in Dundee, industry specialists and our own people for talks and presentations. Some program ideas:
Cell Process Architecture for Games IBM Lab Böblingen |
Audio in Games |
Amsterdam Game Engine |
Performance Problems in Games |
MMOGs and P2P |
Usability and Eye tracking in games development |
Security (DRM etc.) |
Game Economics |
Security will be a major topic for internet technologies this term: We will invite specialists from DaimlerChrysler, Bosch and UBS for a full day seminar.
After the work Fabian Ebert, Björn von Prollius and Andreas Retter spent last term on Web 2.0 it is time for an event on this topic to bundle our experiences and speculate about the future of the web and its connections to home, car and other environments. The seminar will present current technology, business ideas, social software and collaboration and will leave ample room for discussions. For an introduction (in german) go to Overview site and read the paper on Web 2.0 (Ajax, Ruby on Rails etc.) or watch the video.
In the time frame of our "current topics in software technologies" course Dr. Klaus Göbel and Karl Klink - long term IBM specialists and operating system managers - will present an introduction to mainframe technology. This will include hardware, software, clustering, product planning, quality and testing methods and two excursions to the mainframe museum of IBM in Sindelfingen and to the IBM labs in Böblingen for the most current technology. Practical experiments will be done using our labs and a direct link to a mainframe.
Oliver Vogel, IBM. Experiences from a large scale Model-driven project. (optional, perhaps in the summer term as part of generative computing)
13. October 2006: VOIP Day etc. with Peter Kutschera, Wolfgang Berger and Roger Knorr of IBM GBS
10. November 2006, SOA Seminar, organized by Bernard Clark IBM GBS
Games Day (with friends)
Web 2.0 Day - Ajax and consequences. New business models for the internet. Social software. Mash-ups. Smart client technology. Web frameworks.
Security Day (with UBS, DaimlerChrysle, Bosch): Intrusion Detection (host and network based). New trends in enterprise security. Security Testing approaches. Windows Vista Security. Web Services Security. Identity Management.
Developing Internet Applications with J2EE and PHP, Gaylord Aulke, 100Days
Cmparing PHP, Java/J2EE and ASP for web application management, see talk (San Francisco conference) Could include some stuff on practical ways to do agile development.
Klaus Dorer, Whitestein Technologies, Agent based Systems in AI
Intelligent Business Processes, Anton Metz.
Product Information Management (PIM), Rainer Rickborn, Munich
Ralf Schmauder (IBM), Philipp Schill (Abaxx) Topic TBD.
Please watch this page closeley for changes in dates or topics. Most speakers work in the industry and sometimes need a change in schedule due to that fact.
You will find some required reading materials here. I will put most papers on transfer/kriha/aktuellethemen