This term we will hear a number of talks focussing on very different topics like artifical intelligence and agent systems, computer linguistics, contstraint programming, search etc.
Oliver Vogel will present an successful application of a model-driven project in Switzerland.
The third IBM university day will present an opportunity to see how consultants work in large scale projects. We have not decided on specific subjects here but they will of course cover current developments and methodologies.
Bernard Clark will do another of his well-known workshops on methodology and architecture, this time we will try to build an enterprise architecture using the principles of Service Oriented Architecture.
Software development on mainframe systems will be another workshop - possibly as a block course - where Karl Klink and friends will teach us the core principles of mainframes and their software like transaction management etc.
What else? Bill Gates made a keynote talk at RSA 2006 outlining the microsoft security strategy for future systems. The talk can be found at the RSA homepage Keynote . or at the Microsoft homepage (see talks of B.G. I'd like us to discuss the proposals. .
17.3.06: Kick - off session with an overview of topics and goals. Dani Haag will present his research on desktop search engines and their application in the enterprise. Usability, security and search strategies will be covered.
24.3.06: Bill Gates Keynote at RSA Conference 2006. The future of windows security,
31.3.06: Markus Iwanowski (ATC) on beeing an IT-Consultant. Contracts, plans, project management Part One
7.4.06: Markus Iwanowski (ATC) on beeing an IT-Consultant. Contracts, plans, project management Part Two.
21.4.06, Ralf Schmauder (IBM), Philipp Schill (Abaxx) on Business Process languages, Portals etc.
28.4. 06 Bernard Clark, IBM. Worhshop Global Services Method - Building an Enterprise Architecture with SOA. Part one
5.5. 06 Bernard Clark, IBM. Worhshop Global Services Method - Building an Enterprise Architecture with SOA. Part two
12.06.06, IBM. Worhshop Global Services Method - Building an Enterprise Architecture with SOA. Part three
19.06.06, Oliver Vogel, IBM. Experiences from a large scale Model-driven project.
2.6.06, Third IBM University Day at HDM. Bernard Clark, IBM GBS and colleagues
9.6.06, Stefan Klatt (OFAI, Vienna) Computer Linguistics - an Introduction.
16.6.06, First CS&M Game Workshop. With specialist from the computer game industrie. We will hear about modelling, tools and architectueres. Demos provided.
23.6.06, Workshop on Mainframe Technologies. Market Management, Theory and Practical Issues by Dr. Klaus Göbel. Software Development and Engineering Process by Karl Klink. Virtualization by Christian Bornträger
22.6.06, Media Night workshop: Women in computer science. With results from gender studies. Women working in IT will talk about their experiences. We are going to invite high-school students to this workshop.
30.6.06 Klaus Dorer, Whitestein Technologies, Agent based Systems in AI
TBD: ETAS on software production lines, Dennis Völker on IDS in global networks.
Please watch this page closeley for changes in dates or topics. Most speakers work in the industry and sometimes need a change in schedule due to that fact.
You will find some required reading materials here. I will put most papers on transfer/kriha/aktuellethemen