I've tried to identify a number of hot topics in computer science and came up with the following ideas. Web3.0 is the successful combination of collaborative technologies with semantics and meta-data. Intelligent search plays a major role here and as I have done a little research on intelligent search lately I believe we should do a Web3.0 day. Ontologies, automatic annotation technologies, meta-data creation and use are all related topics. This could even touch some aspects of web analytics and "attentional" behavior analysis. An important part of Web3.0 is computer linguistics and we will take a look at it as well. And last but not least could we speculate on the future of the new application hosting trend (google apps, office live etc.).
Security is still a big problem and this term I'd like to put web application security (including web application firewalls) right into the center of our focus. But of course there is more, e.g. Sven Höckls excellent design and implementation of a Linux Security Module, Smartcard technology in finance and so on.
MI-Alumnis working at IBM have suggested a "developers day" with a focus on all aspects of development (management, unit tests, tools, processes etc. I think this is an excellent idea and we can add to it. We could merge this event with our regular IBM day and cover the whole area of software development.
Games Day will be big this term: the reason is simple - 5.12. and 6.12 is "medienethik symposium" at HDM with well known speakers attending (I can't give anything away yet but I am really looking forward to meet them..). The topic is "computer games and virtual worlds" and they asked us to do some demonstrations etc.
My plan is to integrate our games day with this event (parallel or overlapping) and tackle the following things:
World of Games: presentation of several games genres (adventures, role-play, shooters, MMOGs, and the disruptive forces of the WII) by gamers. Discussions with interested guests on the future of games. see critical comments from the CEO of Electronic Arts. |
Game Design (story, patterns, structure, AI) (also with Meta Award participants). We might want to add Thomas Fuchsmanns thesis on game balancing to this list. |
computer graphics and animation - headed by Valentin Schwind and friends. |
Virtual worlds - technology, integration aspects etc. (Linden Labs has proposed an integration architecture) |
The world usability day will take place in Stuttgart in November. Headed by Michael Burmester we could participate in this event. I am getting in touch with a group of usability specialists from Switzerland and might be able to get some speakers from there. Usability and Security could be a topic there as well.
Linix was and is a hot topic as well and this is why I'd suggest a Linux day. I've already gotten some interesting input on building high-available systems with Linux, on Linux Security and so on.
I would like to close the term with our 10 year anniversary. I would like to see talks on the future of computer-science and its relation to society, security, to our profession itself etc. We could try to do this together e.g. with Heise or Oreilly Germany.
Please add your own ideas to this list and don't hesitate to propose your own "day"!
Here are the proposed dates for our days.
19.10.2007 - Security Day
November - Developers/IBM Day
5./6./7. December 2007 - Games Day
December - Web3.0 Day
January - Linux Day
Media-Night - 10 year anniversary conference
Please watch this page closeley for changes in dates or topics. Most speakers work in the industry and sometimes need a change in schedule due to that fact.
You will find some required reading materials here. I will put most papers on transfer/kriha/aktuellethemen