Participants of the courses "Aktuelle Themen Internet" and are organizing so called "days" with a special focus on new and upcoming topics in computer science and society. The idea behind those events is to get students to think about possible trends and important future technologies by planning a workshop or an event. Besides the theoretical work the organization of such an event (approaching and inviting key representatives of a new technology) trains soft skills. The necessary media coverage (providing a live stream, chat, moderation etc.) leads to a media competence which is a requirement in todays workplace.
The themes for those workshops and events will be decided by the participants, work is done in groups. The following list gives some ideas for events or discussion topics.
Clary Shirky: organization, motivation and cognitive surplus: how the internet changes our abilities to organize protest or support and the current trend away from TV and towards social networks. But: how does this relate to "the Kony-campaign"? The (technical, ethical, legal, political and scientific problems of viral organization on the internet.)
Jeremy Riffkin (well know from his "the 3rd industrial revolution" book, on the dependencies between the distributed internet and a changing energy production and distribution structure which can possibly end up as being distributed as well. Who is driving what here? Does energy drive the control revolution? Or is it now changing? a short quote (right now probably still legal but once Springer and co. get their way ("Leistungsschutzrechte")??? "Chancellor Angela Merkel and key political leaders in Berlin, it has become clear that Germany is embarking on a journey into a new economic era. The German plan is based on the historical understanding that the great economic paradigm shifts in history occur when new communications revolutions converge and merge with new energy regimes. New energy revolutions make possible more expansive and integrated trade. Accompanying communication revolutions manage the speed and complexity of commercial activity made possible by the new flow of energy. Today, the distributed Internet communication revolution is converging with distributed renewable energies, giving birth to a powerful Third Industrial Revolution that is going to fundamentally change German society." Jeremy Rifkin in Huff Post Business online magazine.
Internet and democracy: does the internet foster democracy, even improve it? or is it the "rule of the masses"? Do we need to separate "correctness" from "political opinion" when we talk about democracy on the internet? What about "liquid democracy"? electronic voting?
How resilient is the internet? Technical structure, technical attacks, political and legal attacks? ENISA paper by the Univ. of Cambridge. Are the fears of "cyberwar" correct? An "Cyberwar Day" this term? Check for ENISA report on internet resilience: (this is just the summary)
Web Day wiht a focus on HTML5, Javascript and the latest social network trends? And perhaps a look at the current and future state of e-commerce companies together with dmc digital media center GmbH? And with a talk on ""?
The coming of the "app" - do apps change the web into something more proprietary
Big Data - big science. Artificial Intelligence and the Internet (Data Mining, semantic web, computer vision, collective intelligence). What would we like to ask ""?
Identity and payments on the web. Technologies and legal background.
Behavior on the web: how do we behave with respect to participation? engagement? What can we expect? What seems to be basic human behavior and what can we perhaps change due to better connectivity (always online) and better usability (e.g. liquid democracy)?
Games Day: with a special focus on player behavior as seen from the research of Thomas Quandt at University of Hohenheim. Who is the "lonely gamer" really? Is there a relation between playing certain games and expressing violent language or behavior? Finally some founded answers from a huge poll (50000 participants). Arts/Literature in games - see
A "Sensor Day" e.g. with Dipl.-Phys. Norbert König from Fraunhofer of the latest trends in RFID technology? Perhaps some spyshop devices (micro cams?). Sensors and mobile devices? Could cover both business, privacy and security topics.
"Best Practice Day": bring your best internet and web tricks, tools, apps, add-ons, extensions, sites, processes etc. and share them with everybody.
Digital Rights Day: Acta, Leistungsschutzrechte and civil rights: Springer Verlag makes more money than ever on the internet - and still complains about Google "abusing" its content in Google news? Will ACTA be a threat for private or semi-private publishing? The role of media corporations in the digital age. From publishing over opinion control towards academic capitalism? How Bertelsmann Corporation takes over education...
das Thema Etablierung von Businesszweigen. Das hat der Gates damals mit Microsoft geschafft: die Trennung von Usern und Entwicklern. Das war vorher Eins. Da kann man die gezielte Etablierung eines Wirtschaftszweiges studieren. Und Bertelsmann mancht es jetzt genauso. Vielleicht die nächste Phase der Publisher/Verlage: nach Jahren der Meinungsmanipulation im Auftrag des Kapitals die Entdeckung dass durch user generated content, distributed content und social networks die Verlage eigentlich unnötig werden (Shirky's Post-Gutenberg Ära). Somit beginnen die Verlage von der Manipulation der Meinung auf die Übernahme der Bildung als neues Modell für die Aneignung von Zwangsgeldern umzusteigen. Das Top-Down Content-creation und Distribution Modell wird umgewandelt in die Top-Down Vergabe von Zeritifikaten (am Liebsten mit Verfallsdatum) und damit in die Kontrolle und Ausnutzung individueller Lebenswege.
Crowd-sourcing, crowd-funding: "kickstarter" provides more cultural funding in the US than the government. Is this a usable method for business creation? scientific discovery? How does it work on the internet? Hubertus Kohle on "how the masses become scientists" - crowd-sourcing in science.
2. Unlike Us-conference: new and alternative services and sites, including artists! Security through your social graph, the Web 2.0 suicide machine etc.
Body and Internet: will they melt together? Google displays, HMD, augmented reality? The google answer machine and its technical and social consequences?
Post-Privacy - Prima leben ohne Privatsphäre (Christian Heller). Do we really need data-protection laws?.
SPDY and Microsoft proposol on a faster HTTP2 protocol version. To push or not to push? The use of websockets etc.
Seen any disruptive technologies on the web or internet lately? We will discuss the concept using Clayton Christensens "Innovators Dilemma" as a theretical foundation.
Ad tracking experiments: how good are the aggregators really?
Ansgar Heveling (CDU): Netizens: the Web2.0 will soon be over, the end of the "digital maoists" is close - how bad will the fallout be?
Security Day?, Energy Day?
Internet Enemies Report 2012 - who fights the Internet and how are they doing it? (Iran, China, France...)
Bitcoin and mobile money: Money in the Future: Money today isn't what it used to be. We can now send money gifts across the world instantly, settle up a bill by swiping a mobile phone, and pay for goods online using virtual currency. In this blog post I explore the new ways to use money and discuss how this might affect traditional cash. Read it now and discover how we're already moving towards one global currency. Money on the Move: Discover New Mobile Technologies A key trend that is emerging is money management on the move. It's now possible to pay for goods on your mobile device or check your bank account wherever you are. This white paper explores mobile money in the mainstream, discusses the different types of mobile payment, and reveals the latest mobile money trends globally. Click here to get it now. Money on the Web: Learn About Virtual Money As well as being able to use money from our bank accounts, we can now pay for goods with virtual currency, called Bitcoin. Bitcoin has its own value and is used exclusively on the web, where it's currently used to pay for downloads, gambling, and even in the black market. This paper is a useful introduction to Bitcoin, and can help you understand its benefits and risks.
Please add your own ideas to this list and don't hesitate to propose your own "day"! Instead of having invited talks we could also run a workshop for some of the topics. There are many other interesting topics like software patents, the legal situation of software development and web sites etc.
Due to the tight room situation at HDM I had to reserve some dates in advance. Here are the possible dates for our days.
Software Quality and Testing (Experiences from various test and development specialists and managers). Testing approaches, quality management that works, agile testing etc.
26.4.2012, 16.00, Test and Quality Day
25.5.2012, 13.15, Web Day
13.6.12, 18.00 or 29.6.12, 12.00, Games Day
Please watch this page closeley for changes in dates or topics. Most speakers work in the industry and sometimes need a change in schedule due to that fact.